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  • 10 Best Types of Investments And How They Work

    NIWS (National Institute of Wall Street) 13 Jun 2022

    Because of various types of investments, the availability of investment can easily intimidate anyone. Among the multiple options, it becomes difficult to find out the correct type of investment for your portfolio. This article is a complete guide that tells you the different investment types and provides the correct information on how you may consider these investments in your portfolio. Hence, if you are serious about your assets, get an expert or financial advisor at Stock Market Institute In Delhi and learn the right ways of investing. Per experts' guidance, you can quickly achieve your financial goals. 

    1 Stock 

    image contains graphs which tells how the price of stocks goes up and down

    Equities or shares is another name for stocks. This is very well known, and every type of investment is considered the easiest because it comes with a high liquidity rate. When you buy stocks of any company, you accept the ownership stake in a publicly-traded company. The biggest company's stocks are- Facebook, Apple, Tata, Reliance Etc. one can easily buy the stocks of these companies. 

    How you can make money: To earn a profit, you buy stocks and sell them at a higher price. Hence, always remember that the cost of stocks can go down, and in that case, you may lose your money. 

    2 Bonds 

    Lending money from an entity all refers to buying a bond. Generally, the entity can be a business or a government. Corporate bonds are issued in the case of companies, and government municipal bonds are issued. 

    How you can make money: The lender will be able to get paid with specific interest once the money is being lent. For example, the bond is generally a fixed income instrument, just like a bank FD and a liability for the company.

    3 Mutual Funds

    Various people collect pooled money and further invest in different companies. Actively and passively, management can be quickly done. Fund managers manage funds to support the investor's money in other securities. Fund managers often attempt to beat a designated market index by choosing investments that will outpace such an index. Index funds are another name for passively managed funds. In a broad array of securities, mutual funds can invest such as equities, bonds, commodities, derivatives, currencies, etc.

    Just like bonds and stocks, investing in mutual funds comes with risk. The factors of risk all depend on which kind of investment scheme you choose. Because of naturally diversification, the risk is comparatively less. 

    How can you make money: When the value of stocks, bonds or funds in which they invested goes up, investors will be able to make money. Through discounted brokerages and managing firms, you can buy it. But remember that there might be a condition of minimum payment or some particular annual fee amount. 

    4 Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

    Just like mutual funds, ETFs work; they also refer to the collection of different investments that track the market index. In the case of mutual funds, it can be bought through a fund company, but on the other hand, the purchase and sale of ETFs will be made through the stock market. Through the trading day, the price of ETFs fluctuates, and in the case of mutual funds, they refer to the net assets value of your total investments. Total calculations will be done at the end of every trading session.

    How can you make money: For new or beginner investors investing in ETFs is always suggested because, compared to stocks, they are more diversified. You can also minimize risk by selecting an ETF that follows a global index. One can also make money through ETFs by selling them at higher rates or a price

    5 Certificates of Deposits (CDs)

    CDs are the best option if any person is searching low a risky investment. For some predetermined period of time individual need to deposit money to the bank. And when the predetermined time is over, you will get back your principal amount, with some special rate of interest on it. The longer the loan period, the higher the interest you will get. 

    How can you make money: As per the basis of saving money, investing in CDs can be long-term. There is no significant risk while investing in CDs. If your bank collapses for any reason, there is FDIC- insured of $250,000, which helps cover up your real money. In the case of CDs, if you withdraw them earlier, you have to pay a significant amount of penalties. 

    6 Retirement Plan

    personal financial planning concept - napkin doodle with cup of espresso coffee  

    In the queue of types of investments, here come the other investment types: retirement plans. There are numerous retirement plans, including work retirement plans sponsored by your employees and Employment-based Pension Plans. Senior Citizen Saving Scheme and Public Provident Fund etc. 

    How can you make money: Retirement plans are not a separate category of investment per se but a vehicle to purchase shares, bonds and funds in two tax-efficient ways. And the second advantage of retirement plans is that individuals can withdraw without paying a single cent of tax. The risks associated with investing are the same as if you were purchasing out-of-plan investments.

    7 Options 

    Golden symbolic figures on Finanzzeitung  

    Buying stocks have become quite tricky in the way of options. When you buy a stock through the opportunity, you are responsible for selling those stocks at a particular time. There are options for purchasing an asset and put options for selling an option. Each opportunity has fix time of expiry. Before that time investor needs to sell it. If he fails to do so, he will lose his real money invested in options. 

    How you can make money: As an investor, you buy any stocks at a particular price hoping to earn a profit when the cost of that specific stock goes up. However, in the case of an option, you need to sell your holdings or stocks at a particular given time. If you fail to sell them, then it may become the reason for your loss and leave you behind with an empty pocket. Generally, the advanced level of trading comes in options. Hence, if you don’t know how to analyze them for your investment, then never invest in it. One needs to understand technical and option chain analysis for investing in options. 

    8 Annuities 

    For many people, annuities are used as part of retirement plans. In the case of annuities, once you buy an insurance policy, then in return, you become able to get the periodic payments. There are numerous varieties in which annuities have been separated. They may remain until death or at some particular given time. One needs to pay a fixed or lump sum payment if he is interested in investing in annuities. They can be partly linked to the stock market or an insurance policy that is not directly related to the markets. Sometimes one needs to pay immediately, or it may defer for a particular period. Aunties may be variable or fixed. 

    How you can make money: At retirement, aunties can become an additional way of generating extra income. Investing in annuities comes with lower risk and growth. Rather than the current source of income, annuities must choose as the options for retirement savings. 

    9 Cryptocurrencies 

    In the different types of investments, cryptocurrencies have become the newest option of investment, which comes with different kinds of profits. In cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin has become the most famous way of investment. Hence, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin are other well-known cryptocurrencies in which one needs to invest. Furthermore, digital currencies don’t have any backing from the government. On cryptocurrency exchange, you can easily buy or sell them. Also, some retailers offer you to purchase these digital currencies with them. 

    How you can make money: With the high rate of fluctuations investing in cryptocurrencies becomes a risky way of investment. However, various investors trade in cryptocurrencies only to make a diversified portfolio. From the cryptocurrency exchange, you can buy them.

    10 Commodities 

    Dices cubes to trader. Cubes with the words SELL BUY. Selective focus 

    The term commodities refer to the physical products you can invest in. They are common in forwarding markets where producers and commercial buyers – in other words, professionals – seek to cover their financial stake in commodities.

    Based on some important types of commodity market is broken down:

    • Metals: Gold and Silver (precious metal) and copper (industrial metal)
    • Agriculture: Soybean, wheat and corn 
    • Livestock: Feeder cattle and Pork bellies 
    • Energy: Natural gas, crude oil and petroleum products.

    How you can make money: As the hedge for the portfolio at the time of inflation, investors divert themselves to the commodity market and buy them. Through stocks, bonds,  mutual funds, ETFs and futures contracts commodities can be easily purchased in an indirect way.

    Different Ways to Buy Types of Investments

    Generally, there are two main ways by which one can easily buy the different ways of investments. Below are the best two ways by which you can buy the different types of investments in simple steps: 

    1 Start an online brokerage account: You can manage your investments by opening a brokerage account. Once you get your brokerage account, you can easily invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and many more investment options in just minutes. Making the all final financial decision by own self is the only downside. 

    2 Hire a Financial Advisor: Hiring a financial advisor is the other best way to invest in multiple types of investments. Advisor will help you to figure out the right way of investment and also in the selection of the right kind of investment, the advisor will guide you. Your advisor will help you increase your earnings and capital from your current investment plan to your retirement plans. It's more of an automated process that you only need to approve trades or investments, and the advisor takes care of that too. 

    The Bottom Line

    When it comes to the different types of investments, then there are countless types. Some of them are perfect for beginners, and for some, there is a need for a healthy search and experience. Each kind has different risk and reward, which lies in other factors. Hence, before investing in any of these kinds, one needs to set financial goals.

    Before investing in any kind of these options, first, one must enroll in Stock Market Course in Delhi and get some basic and advanced knowledge of this investment, then choose the right one according to their investment capital and financial goals. 

    To gain more practical insight into Investment concepts, financial planning and portfolio management you can enroll for the Fundamental Analysis and Portfolio Management Course at NIWS - Best Stock Market Institute in Delhi. 


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  • Difference Between Equity And Preference Shares

    NIWS (National Institute of Wall Street) 10 Jun 2022

    The term share refers to the company's ownership stake, which has an exchangeable value. Market forces can influence that. As per section 43 company act 2013, the company's share capital is divided into equity and preference. Voting rights and distribution of dividends is of the essential difference between equity and preference shares. Hence selecting from any of them is become quite tricky when it comes to the investment opportunity. When choosing any of these shares, one needs to know how the share market works and what are the right ways of selecting shares. It is always suggested to join the Stock Market Institute In Delhi, where you will find the best stock market strategies, which help to invest your money in the right and appropriate way.

    What Are Equity Shares?

    With the motive to raise the company capital, the company issues its equity shares. And once the company gets the funds from the common public, it will use them for expansion and growth. Hence, the equity shares are non-redeemable, so they serve as the companies' long-term finances. The company held the share capital throughout, and in the event of winding up, it is distributed. In the case of equity shares, shareholders will get the voting rights, and its holders have the right to receive companies surplus. The company's management can determine the dividend rate which will be distributed among the shareholders.

    Moreover, these kinds of shares can be easily transferable without consideration. Notably, the proportion of ownership determines based on shares held by the investors. Hence with the help of the stock exchange, all claims can be easily traded. Issue price, face value, book value and intrinsic value is the way of expressing the value of these shares. 

    Types of Equity Shares 

    On the liability side of companies' balance, sheet equity shares appear. When it comes to equity shares types then, they don't have such kinds of types; hence they are considered ordinary stock, so they are categorized on a different basis:

    1. Subscribed Share Capital 
    2. Authorized Share Capital 
    3. Issued Share Capital 
    4. Right Share
    5. Sweat Equity Shares 

    Substantial dividends have been received by shareholders in the case of equity shares and grant them price appreciation in investment value.

    Also, with the benefit of liquidity, shareholders can quickly sell the equity shares effortlessly, which makes another difference between equity and preference shares. With the base of equity capital, it is easy to secure credit. Hence equity is considered the permanent source of money. Now let's proceed toward the next step of this article which is about preference shares because if you want to know the clear difference between equity and preference shares, you need to understand each of them briefly.

    What Are Preference Shares?

    The issuance of capital raised by preference shares is called preference share capital. With fix rate of dividend, these shares are issued, and at the time of liquidation preference, shareholders have to avail profits and raise claims for the company's assets. In terms of capital and profit repayment, these shares are ranked between debt and equity. However, likewise equity shares, preference shareholders are also the partial owners of the company's capital. Although they don't have any voting rights, in any company important, the existence of preference shareholders is less in comparison to equity shareholders. Although preference shareholders don't have rights to claim bonus shares, this becomes the most crucial difference between equity and preference shares. 

    The most important thing is converting preference shares into preferred stocks is easy as they are similar to the debentures. Furthermore, preference shareholders have the right to repurchase the shares at a particular time. In the case of this share, shareholders will receive an extent substantial dividend, but it doesn't come with the closing date. 

    Based on management, the decision of dividend distribution lies on which is not fixed at the time of loss. Like every difference, this is also considered the essential difference between equity and preference shares. Although if it decides not to pay dividends at a particular, the company will transfer it in the next year.

    Hence you can join the Stock Market Course In Delhi and learn the basics and advanced aspects of the stock market, which will help you choose the proper share for your investment purposes based on your financial goals.

    Types of Preference Shares 

    Below are the essential types of preference shares.

    1. Cumulative Preference Shares
    2. Non- Cumulative Preference Shares
    3. Redeemable Preference Shares
    4. Non-Redeemable Preference Shares
    5. Convertible Preference Shares
    6. Participating Preference Shares
    7. Non- Participating Preference Shares

    Always remember that dividends paid to preference shareholders are never deducted from the taxes. Also, redeeming such shares becomes a burden on the company's capital. 

    Difference Between Equity And Preference Shares

    Once we have discussed preference and equity shares, the next important part is to discuss the difference between equity and preference shares. 

    Based on Nature

     Equity Shares

    Preference Shares


     Equity shares represent the extent of ownership of the company.

     When it comes to paying a dividend or repaying capital preference, shareholders get priority of repayment first.

    Dividend Payout 

     Once all the liabilities are paid off, shareholders will receive the dividend.

     Regarding dividend distribution, preference shareholders will get priority of  repayment over equity shareholders

    Rate of Dividend

     Based on earning rate fluctuates.

     The dividend rates remain fixed

    Bonus Share

     Against existing shareholding, these shares have the right to receive a bonus.

     In the case of these shares, they don't have the right to receive the shares bonus

    Capital Repayment

     In the end it becomes repaid

     Before equity shares, preference shares get the priority of repayment 

    Voting Rights

     Equity shares come with voting rights.

     Don't receive any advantage regarding voting rights.

    Role of Management

     In every important decision regarding the management of company equity shareholders can participate with the benefit of voting rights

     In the case of preference shares, they don’t receive extended voting rights


     It is not possible to redeem equity shares

     It is easy to redeem preference shares.


     Not possible to convert

     Possible to convert into equity shares

    Areas of Dividend 

     In the case of equity shares, shareholders don't have the right to avail themselves of areas of dividends.

     Along with the current year's dividend, shareholders have the right to avail of dividend


     Based on ordinary stocks of the company, they have been categorised

     In the case of preference shares, they are divided into serval parts, including convertible, non-convertible, cumulative and non-cumulative.

    Financing Terms

     Long-term financing has been served in the case of equity shares

     In the case of preference shares, long and mid-term financing has been performed.

    Mandate to Issue

     It is mandatory to issue the equity share capital for the companies

     There is no need to issue preference shares to all companies

    Investment Denomination

     In the case of equity shares, they have a low denomination

     One can get higher denomination preference shares

    Types of Investors

     For risk-taking investors, it is suitable to invest in equity shares

     For a risk-averse investor investing in preference is suitable

    Associated Burden

     It is not mandatory to pay the equity dividend. Hence all factors depend on the company's profit.

     It is necessary to pay a dividend to the shareholders of the company.

    Similarities Between Preference and Equity Shares

    • Under the Indian companies act 1956, section 85 both preference and equity shares are defined
    • Company capital owned both equity and preference shares


    We can say that in case of a difference between equity and preference shares, investors in case of both will get different kinds of benefits. While at the time of the company’s important decisions, equity shareholders will enjoy the voting right. On the other hand, preference shareholders will get the priority to be paid off at the time of liquidity as it is always said that investing in any of these two shares all depends on the personal financial goals, risk tolerance and total amount of dividend received.  


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  • List of Upcoming IPO's 2022

    NIWS (National Institute of Wall) 1 Jun 2022

    Upcoming IPOs 2022 List- Like the previous months of January and February, the upcoming month of 2022 is also tipped with a massive list of Ipo's. As per research and analysis, LIC Ipo was the largest Ipo for India. Most people said it would cover all the losses occurring due to Ukraine and Russia. Still, LIC Ipo is issued at a lower price than the allotted price. 

    Although at the end of March 2022, many companies issued their IPOs that performed well and hit the market IPO just before the closing of financial year 20222, like Ruchi soya FPO, Uma Exports IPO, Veranda Learning, etc. Hariom Pipes. 

    Although SEBI (Security Board Exchange of India) has shown interest or witness for approving the DRHPs sectors IPO, such companies have been slow to announce such type of plans for IPO. These companies are waiting to watch the variables like the impact of higher oil prices, the IPO risk bunching and the retail appetite. 

    The calendar of the year 2021 shows that 65 IPOs are issued in 2021, which are raised with the amount of 1.32 trillion, and from them, 64 are issued and getting oversubscribed. There are aggressive targets for 2023, but the start has been very tepid. 

    Although if you want to get an allotment of the initial public offering, then the timing of applying should be proper. And remember, not every upcoming IPO is issued at a higher price. You can see LIC IPO from the list of the forthcoming IPOs in 2022. It was the biggest Ipo for Indian country. Most people think it will give huge profits, but it is issued at a lower price, which is not acceptable. So studying and analysing the stock market is essential for every person to do before investing in it. For excellent studies and knowledge, you must visit the Stock Market Institute In Delhi

    Upcoming IPO's 2022

    Now let's have a look at the upcoming IPOs 2022 list. Below is every detail regarding the upcoming IPOs 2022 with the issued size amount. 

    Emcure Pharmaceuticals IPO

    The total issue price is Rs 4,500 crore, from which Rs 1,100 crore is the new issue comprises, and Rs 3,400 is Offered for sale (OFC). Active params ingredients and generics are the company's main focus, and the repayment of debt will use the new issue component. 

    Skanray Technologies IPO

    Rs 400 crores the new issue comprises Skanray Technologies IPO and 141.06 lakhs shares are Offer for sale (OFC), which needs to be decided. Medical devices, marketing and design and developing and manufacturing medical devices are this company's primary focus. 

    VLCC Healthcare IPO

    Rs 300 crores is the new issue comprised by VLCC Healthcare IPO, and 89.23 lakhs shares are offered for share (OFC), which needs to be decided. Health-conscious beauty and wellness of the Indian country are the main focus of this company. 

    Delhivery Ltd IPO

    Rs 5,000 cores is the new issue comprised by Delivery Ltd IPO, and 2,460 are the total number of shares for Offer for sale (OFC). By the first generations of entrepreneurs, this company was developed and established. This company's primary focus is end-to-end logistic solutions and last-mile logistics solutions. And also, with FedEx, this company has decided to make a long term tie-up.

    API Holdings Ltd (PharmEasy) IPO

    Rs 6,250 is the new issue comprised by PharmEasy company. This company has built a platform which brings doctors, patients and pharmacies to one place. And after that, in India, it became the most trusted and popular brand in digital retailing pharma. Also, it offers online consultation with doctors and delivery of the medicines at your doorstep. 

    Droom Technology IPO

    Rs 2,000 crores is the new issue comprised by Droom Technology IPO, and Rs 1,000 crores is the Offer for sale (OFC). The motive of the room is to sell or buy the cars and two bikes online. 

    Ixigo IPO

    Rs 1,600 crores is the new issue comprised by Ixigo IPO, and Rs 750 crore is an offer for sale (OFS). Around 14 years from now, this company provides the facilities of booking flights, trains and hotels based on artificial intelligence software. 

    Aadhar Housing Finance IPO

    The total price raised by this IPO is Rs 7,300 crores, from which Rs 1,500 crores is the new issue comprises and Rs 5,800 crores is an offer for sale (OFC). Adhar housing finance is the largest funding intermediary in the affordable segment in AUM. To boost its capital base, it will use the funds.

    Arohan Financials IPO

    The total amount raised by IPO is Rs 1,800 crore, from which Rs 950 crores is the new issue comprises and Rs 850 crores is an offer for sale (OFC). 

    Utkarsh Small Finance Bank IPO

    The total amount raised by this IPO is Rs 1,350 crore, from which Rs 700 crores is the new issue comprises and Rs 650 crores is an offer for sale (OFC). 

    Fincare Small Finance Bank IPO

    The total amount raised by Fincare Small Finance Bank IPO is Rs 1,330 crores, from which the new issue comprises Rs 1,330 crores, and the Offer for sale (OFC) is 1,000 crore. A small finance bank will issue new issue components.  

    Penna Cement IPO

     The total amount raised by Penna Cement IPO is Rs 1,550 crores, from which the new issue comprises Rs 1,300 crores, and the Offer for sale (OFC) is Rs 250 crores.

    Sterlite Power Transmission IPO

    The whole issue is Rs1,250 crore which will comprise the new topic. And this IPO is the part of Vedanta group. This company manages and owns the power transmission assets across Brazil and India. These are separated. 

    Paradeep Phosphates IPO

    Rs 1,225 comprises new issue and 12 crore shares for existing shareholders. This company is Odisha based company, and the phosphatic manufacturer is the work of this company. 

    Keventer Agro IPO

    The total raise of this IPO is 800 Crore, from which the new issue comprises Rs 375 crore and an offer for sale (OFC) of Rs 425 crore. The company Deventer performs the work of food packaging, dairy products, and food products. Frooti, Appy, Appy fizz and Parle Agro are its franchises.

    Gemini Edibles and Fats IPO

    The Rs.2.500 crore IPO will consist essentially of an offer for sale (OFS). Food-related FMCG products are the main work done by this company, and the sunflower oil and freedom brand is the most important thing for which they are well known.

    Go Airlines IPO

    Rs 3,600 is the comprises, which is for the new issue. The issue is to proceed to reduce debt, including payables and rentals on aircraft. 9.1 % market share has covered by go air in domestic routes, this analysis is given by the DGCA data

    Tracxn Technologies IPO

    386.72 lakh shares will be comprised for Offer for sale (OFC). For investment bankers, Tracxn Technologies provide subscription services. 

    Ola IPO

    Best ridding hailing company ola has decided to go public by issuing its shares for the first time in the half of the year 2022. Riding hailing ola beats its competitor uber technologies, and it plans to come up with the $ 1 trillion (Rs 7,500 crore) through the initial public offering process. Since the year 2010, ola company raised $4 trillion, and as per research, it may rise from $8 to $9 trillion. 

    BYJU's IPO

    The current valuation of BYJU is $21 trillion, and India is the largest education tech start-up. Under BSE/NSE BYJU’s IPO will be listed at the time of the second half of the year 2022. Through a particular purpose acquisition company (SPAC), this IPO is also considered for listing in the US. BYJU aims to list at the $48 trillion. 

    What Are Upcoming IPOs 2022?

    The meaning of the term upcoming IPOs 2022 tells us that the companies who field their DRHP with SEBI and expected to open in the forthcoming year or time. 

    Based on the previous year's research, the IPOs come in heavy demand by many investors. As per data, when we combine all the collections of IPOs, it crosses 100 lakh crores market or line in the current year. And before ending this financial year a month ago, investors might hope to invest similarly in upcoming IPOs in 2022. 

    How To Apply For an IPO?

    1. Select The Broker account by which you can apply for an IPO.
    2. Enter the lot size or number of lots you want to apply and then select the bid price you wish to use. 
    3. Once you select the number of lots and price amount, select the UPI id from which you have to pay for an IPO and click on the submit button. Once you press the submit button, your bid will be placed by the stock exchange. 
    4. After this, you will get a notification which is a mandate to receive about blocking your funds. This notification comes from the app where you submit the request for an IPO.
    5. After receiving the mandate request or message, you need to approve it, and then your amount will be blocked till the issue date of IPO.

    How To Enhance The Chances of IPO Allotment

    Applying with multiply Demat accounts is the best way to enhance or increase the chance of getting allotted for an IPO. Multiple applications can be increases by odds of allotment. If you want to get an IPO allotment, you need to bid with the highest price.. And the most important thing is not to wait for the end day- Before investing themselves, investors often wait for the HNI and QIB subscription figures to determine. Although application summation timing is 4 pm by the bank, after this time, if you submit your application, then your application may be rejected on the final day of the IPO subscription. And at last, it always suggested investing in the parent company by applying to the shareholder's category. Although if, in any case, the company launches its IPO and already its parent company is listed under stock exchanges, then getting the allotment chances will be increased by the shareholder category. 

    Pre-Request For Applying An IPO

    In India, a citizen can open a Demat account with the help of a PAN card and efficiently apply for an IPO. There is no need for a trading account for applying for an IPO, although you need it when you have to sell your holding if IPO is credited to your account. 

    You can easily research the company and then apply for an IPO based on the company's qualifications. For an IPOs previous year was tremendous, and still, most of the companies showed lacklustre performance. Hence, doing proper research is the essential thing which needs to be done by every investor before investing in IPO. You can also join the Stock Market Course In Delhi to learn about the stock market. 

    Payment Option By UPI- By UPI, one can easily apply for an IPO. You need to fill in the application detail for applying for an IPO and then pay it from your UPI id. You can use the UPI payment method in three ways: UPI as part of the payment for shares post allocation process, UPI as part of blocking, and UPI as part of the bidding. 

     Another appropriate method for applying for an IPO is ASBA (Application Supported By Blocked Amount). . And a sufficient amount balance is required in your bank account for applying for an IPO. 

    Final Say 

    Hence, this article can see the complete upcoming IPOs 2022 list. Every IPO has its different base capital, or the list price of every IPO is different. Go through the detail and get every information about IPOs in 2022. Although it is also advisable to never invest in IPO without taking the complete knowledge of the company you are investing in. Because it is not fixed, every IPO share price reaches high. After LIC IPO you can check this. 


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    NIWS 19 May 2022

    Insurance Giant Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is all set to hit the market with India’s largest ever IPO in history on 4th May 2022.

    The government will be diluting a total of 3.5 percent of its stake in LIC by IPO. The price band for the same has been fixed at a price band of Rs 902-949. The total issue is valued at Rs 21,000 crore at the upper price band of 949. The retail investors reservation is 35 percent, LIC employee’s quota reservation is 0.71 percent whereas 10 percent quota reservation is there for LIC policyholders which is first of a kind move in any IPO in India.

    Process of details you need to know before investing in an IPO.

    What is an IPO?

    An IPO is where the eligible unlisted company is offering shares for the first time through public issue of shares. 

    Are there any limits to how much one can invest in an IPO?

    If you are investing in any one of these reserved quotas - policyholders, employees or retail - you can invest maximum of Rs 2 lakh (discount is netted off) i: e 13 lots through your own demat account. (Demat account is a virtual locker for investors where it can hold the securities in virtual form). Since LIC IPO have quota of retail investor, policy holder and employees, if you bid in all the three quotas, you can get an aggregate limit of Rs 6 lakh by investing through all three categories. However, if you are bidding for the shares in the retail category and policyholders’ quotas, you can get an aggregate limit of Rs 4 lakh. The discount offered vary in all category. 

    What are the discounts offered in LIC IPO for various category?

    The discount offered is RS 45 for Retail and Employees Category whereas the discount offered in policyholder Category is RS 60 which is higher than other two categories. If you place the bid at higher end of price band at 949 than retail and employees will get the allotment at 904 and policyholder will get the allotment at 889. The discount offered is somewhere around 5 to 6.5 percent in various category. An investor will get this discount if he applies for maximum 13 lots in each category.


    What is the minimum investment lot size in an IPO on main Stock Exchange?

    As per SEBI norms the lot size should be in the price range of (10000 – 15000 per lot). In case of LIC IPO an investor can apply for a minimum single lot of 15 shares per lot. Small lot size of less than RS 15000 helps small investors to participate in an IPO by applying for minimum one lot.

    Role of SEBI:

    To develop Capital Markets for the growth of economy.

    To ensure wider participation and small investor awareness to participate in economic growth.

    Corporate governance and protect small investors.


    Can an investor bid in the non-institutional portion for more number of shares?

    Yes, an Investor can bid for more than Rs 2 lakh worth of shares in the non-institutional category quota (NII) but then you will not be able to bid in the retail quota. Further if an investor bid in retail quota than he is not eligible to bid in NII quota. However, if an investor bid in both the category than both his bid will be rejected. There is no discount offered in NII quota. Generally, it is meant for HNI (High Networth Investor) who want to apply more number of shares. In Book Building Process IPO, minimum 15 percent is reserved for NII category. This all is coming out of the Wisdom of the faculties and experts of the NIWS Stock Market Institute In Jaipur


    Who is eligible to bid under the retail category?

    A resident Indian National, Hindu Undivided Family (in the name of Karta or an eligible NRI who have resided in India for more than 182 days. The maximum bid a retail investor can apply is up to Rs 2 lakh i:e maximum of 13 lots at higher end of price band (lot size is in the range of 10000 – 15000 per lot)minus net of retail investors’ discount offered in an IPO.


    What are the modes an investor can use to invest in the IPO?

    An Investor can bid for an IPO through ASBA facility with the help of a broker wherein the amount of application is blocked in investors own bank account. If an investor receives an allotment than the fund is transferred to company account or if the application is rejected than the funds are released instantly.




    IPO gives a very lucrative opportunity for small investors who want to learn investing in capital markets. Generally, when market conditions are good majority of IPO with a rating of 5 list at an premium on listing date given the fact that IPO gives an opportunity to invest in those companies which were not available for public investment. A company with good growth prospects and fundamentals will give good returns to an investor. However, if you are looking to get your knowledge advanced and want to grab IPO and want to mkae good money in Stock Marekt then you need to join the Stock Market Course In Jaipur


    Disclaimer: This article is for educational purpose and consult your financial advisor before in investing in an IPO.


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  • Benefits Of Best Stock Market Course

    NIWS 21 Apr 2022

    Benifits Of Stock Market Course 

    The place stock market refers to the public market, where buying and selling shares, stocks, and financial assets can be possible. And this facility of buying and selling shares is provided by the stock exchange (A platform that helps every trader or investor meet at the exact location or stage). 


    If you are investing in the share market for the first time, always keep in mind that the path of the share market is not easy, it is full of huddles, but it can be minimised by joining the Best Stock Market Course Delhi


    Stocks or shares represent the partial ownership of the company. Also, the other name of stocks is equities or shares. The stock exchange gives the facility of buying and selling in stocks with the help of a broker.


    The stock market allows every business to swiftly acquire funds from the general public by issuing IPO. For every trader and investor, the stock exchange provides a regulated and safe environment that helps them trade easily without having zero risk potential. There are two market types in the stock market, primary and secondary, and both are regulated by the market body SEBI (Security Board Exchange of India). Primary market is a platform where the company can issue shares for the first time in public by IPO. Secondary Market is a platform where the shares are listed which is also called stock exchange, Security issued in primary market needs to be a compulsory list on stock exchange so that the security can become tradable or marketable. It helps an investor to facilitate entry and exit routes, It also helps for exit of early investors in the company.


    Now that you know what the stock market is and it's an essential point let's discuss the benefits of the stock market. 


    What Are The Core Benefits of Stock Market


    With the easy handling of money, there are also some other benefits of the stock market which every investor can easily take. Let's have a look at them.


    1 Gain Received 


    One of the best benefits of the share market is that it can quickly generate different gains for every investor. 


    Invest in the company where you see a consistent growth pattern, or invest in those industries that contributed to the country's economic growth. It will help you steadily increase the growth of your wealth. Also, it grows the value of your investment over time. 


    After some time, when a company grows, the time value of money invested by investors will also increase. However, it is always said that one can easily make money or create wealth if he invests in the share market for the long term.


    2 Safety Against Inflation


    The main objective of the investment is to protect our future, but it is always mandatory to maintain track of inflation. 


    Once the inflation and rate of return on your investment become comparable, the gains become nil. In the investment world, the rate of return should always be higher than inflation. Stock market generates a real rate of return in the longer term. We can say two times more than the average rate of inflation in the longer run. 


    The stock market and benchmark indexes consistently outperform inflation historically


    The market will give only ten percent returns roughly if the inflation reaches 3 to 4 percent. Also, for inflation prediction, the benchmark with the rise and fall can be the primary source. For instance, once the market breaks down consistently, it means the country's inflation is coming. 


    3 Liquidity Or Ease of Conversion


    As we know, stocks can be easily converted into cash. That's why they are liquid assets. And at the time of sale, you can easily find many purchasers.


    But when it comes to other assets, it is not the same for all, like in real estate. It takes time to sell. It will take several months to get the return on investment on your home investments. But in the case of stocks, it is pretty straightforward. 


    You can easily find multiple sellers and buyers for some particular stock if the average volume of transactions is high. 


    This liquidity is one of the best benefits of the stock market. 


    4 Investors Get The Advantage of Economy 


    The factor of a prosperous economy is the stock market. For overall economic growth, the stock market is responsible for the country's GDP (gross domestic product), inflation, corporate profit, etc. 


    Because of the flourishing economy, investors will directly get the benefits of the share market, and with the expansion of the economy, the value of the investments is also rising. 


    With corporate earnings and the economy, ordinary individuals' income will also rise. 


    For instance, if the customer's demand rises, then the product's sales also rise. And because of this, the investment in a specific company also increases, promoting a rise in the share price.


    5 Transparency


    Every country has a specific regulator who regulates the stock market. For instance, the regular of the Indian stock market is SEBI ( Security Board Exchange of India). By following all the principles made by SEBI market regulations, and SEBI shows the transparency between sellers and buyers, it also protects customers' rights. The role of SEBI is to create investor awareness so that small investors also participate in economic growth of the economy. To Develop the Capital Market and protect investors against fraud and manipulation in the stock market.


    While investing in the share market, regulator bodies will protect the money and the rights of every investor. SEBI saves every investor from the fraudulent activities any company performs. 


    It helps build confidence in every beginner while investing their money in the share market. 


    6 Flexibility of Investment


    If you are investing in the stock market as a beginner, always being consistent with your investment should be your first motive. Because you also have to face loss on the path of investing in the share market with profit. Although the risk can be reduced if one can gain the proper knowledge of the share market, you must have to join Best Stock Market Institute In Delhi


    7 Benefits of Dividend


    For every investor, a dividend is an external source of income, and for most companies, the dividend is paid on an annual basis. If stocks lose value, the payment of compensation also arrives at that time. In a Secondary Stock Market, the price fluctuates up and down due to demand and supply; however, if the company is making a profit irrespective of the stock price going down in a short time frame, you can also earn dividend income when the company announces a dividend.


    8 Ownership Stake In The Brand


    Once you buy the shares of any company, you get some part of the ownership in that particular company. After getting the ownership stake in the company, you become the company's shareholder and get the voting rights in the company's essential discussions. Many times, shareholders come into the management and deny making irrational actions that harm their interests and gains. 


    9 A Hassle-Free Trading


    Almost all existing sectors are developed by technology. And the stock market is also coming under it. With the help of technology, buying and selling stocks have become more accessible. For most investors, hassle trading wasn't reasonable because, at earlier times, every work was done using pen and paper. 


    Nowadays, you can easily find various mobile apps for trading. With the help of the internet and mobile applications, buying and selling stocks can be quickly done. With the use of multiple platforms, you can also get knowledge of the profit and loss of any specific stock of a particular company. It helps you and guides you to invest in the right stocks at the right time. 


    10 Versatility of Investment  


    If you are searching for investment products, you can easily find different kinds of investment products like shares, stocks, derivatives, bonds, and mutual funds in the market. Every investor can get a wide range of investment types and invest according to their comfort. This helps the investor diversify their portfolio and thereby mitigating the risk. As the quote of Warren buffet goes, "Don't put your eggs in a single basket."



    The Final Thoughts


    Investing in the stock market can have countless benefits. But when you see the other side, some negative impacts may become the reason for your loss. That's why it is always recommended to get the share market knowledge and then start investing in it. Here in this article, you will get the information on different benefits of the share market, which can be easily achieved only if they invest smartly.


    Although if you are interested in building a career in the stock market and searching for the right place and mentor to guide you on the right path to success, join NIWS (National Institute of Wall Street). Here you will find different kinds of share market courses, and after completion of the course, you will get financial freedom. NIWS gives you the live practical trading terminals knowledge. Also, you will learn different case studies which make your profile strong. 


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  • Importance of Open interest and Greek in Stock Market Option Trading?

    Deepak Sharma 2 Apr 2022

    Importance of Open interest and Greek in Stock Market Option Trading?

    Technical Analysis refer to the study of price, volume and open interest data with the help of Japanese Candlestick Chart, Open Interest, Option Chain Analysis and study of Options Greeks. Option is a highly leveraged instrument and helps stock market trader to make big gains if analyzed properly. We will understand how open interest in Future is interpreted and what is the importance of greek anlaysis and how it functions to select strategy based on anticipation of stock market trader in Stock Market Course In Jaipur .

    What is the Importance of Open Interest and Greeks in Option Trading in Stock Market?

    Option open interest and greeks plays an important role in your option trading strategies as it gives you an edge while trading in Futures and Option Market

    Future Open Interest Interpretation:

    Change in

    Volume                                          Price                                         Open Interest                                          Conclusion

    1: More                                       Increase                                          Increase                             Fresh Long Positon Build Up

    Indication of Bullish Trend

    2: Less                                       Decrease                                         Decrease                            Long Covering/Long Unwinding.

    Mild Bearish Long Profit Booking  


    3: More                                      Decrease                                          Increase                             Fresh Short Position Buildup

    Indication of Bearish Trend

    4: Less                                      Decrease                                          Decrease                            Short Covering/Short Unwinding.

    Mild Bullish


    Importance of Greeks in option Trading:

    The Greeks measures the sensitivities of options with respect to change in price movement of underlying, time decay, volatility, and interest rates.

    The Greeks are as follows:

    1: Delta: The movement of the option premium with respect to the change underlying stock position in your favor or against your trade. It gives us an indication of the speed at which the option position is moving relative to the underlying stock position. Typically, at-the-money options have a Delta of 0.5 for calls and –0.5 for puts, meaning that ATM options move half a point for every 1-point gain in the underlying asset. Delta is showing the probability of an option expiring in-the-money because an ATM call option having a Delta of 0.5 means a 50% chance of expiring ITM. More the option is deep ITM call and put will have a Delta of around 1 meaning the option strike will have 100% probability of expiring ITM. More the option is deep OTM call and put will have a Delta of near zero, meaning the option will have near zero probability of expiring ITM. We can Conclude that Delta can be interpreted both in terms of the speed or rate of change of option premium with respect to change in underlying and the probability of an option strike price expiring ITM.


    1: ATM Delta 0.5

    2: ITM Delta 0.51 to 1 (delta will increase for more ITM Strike Price)

    3: OTM Delta 0.44 to 0 (delta will increase for more ITM Strike Price)


    2: Gamma: Gamma is considered as the second derivative of the change in underlying asset or the first derivative of Delta and can be expressed in two ways: rate of change of delta with respect to the change in underlying price or as the odds of a change in probability of the position expiring ITM. Gamma generally gives you an early warning to the fact that the Delta is about to be change. Both calls and puts have positive Gammas. Typically, extreme deep OTM and extreme deep ITM options have near zero Gamma because the odds of a change in Delta are very low.

    3: Theta: Theta stands for the time decay (no of days).  Buyer of the option have negative theta and writer of the option have positive theta.

    4: Vega: Vega stands for the option position’s sensitivity with respect to the change in the volatility. Options premium tend to increase/decrease in value when the underlying stock’s volatility increases/decreases. So, increase in volatility favours the buyer of the option and against the writer of an option. Similarly decrease in volatility is negative for option buyer and vice versa.

    5: Rho: Rho stands for the option position’s sensitivity to interest rates. It has negligible impact on stock and commodity Options. Rho have high impact on interest rate derivatives.

    For more get enrolloed in Stock Market Istitute In Jaipur

    Trading strategies can be:

    Long Call and Put

    Bearish Call Spread

    Bearish Put Spread

    Bullish Call Spread

    Bullish Put Spread



    Long Straddle and Long Strangle


    Writing Strategy can be:

    Short Call and Put

    Short Straddle and Strangle

    Long Butterfly and Iron Butterfly

    Long Condor and Iron Condor



    Conclusion: We can conclude that the understanding option greeks can help on option trader to select strike price and the interpretation of option chain position will help him to select the combination of strike price for trading and writing strategies.

    Strategy can be bearish, bullish and neutral.


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