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Exam will be conducted in online mode of our selected examination centre and all the question will be multiple choice question.
Yes, we have our own mode test paper series for all the courses
We provide all the content related to the course, theoretical as well as the practical training. After the completion of the career course student will get placement from our end and placement assistance for other courses. We also provide mock test for practise for NCFM & NISM certification examinations & other Exams.
Yes, we are having batches for working candidates on weekend basis and in evening on week days.
Yes, we provide 100% job guarantee in Career oriented courses subject to (After getting NCFM and NISM Certification)
No, we don’t have specific dress code for students.
Week days and weekend batches.
12pm - 02pm 02pm – 04pm
03pm - 05pm 04pm – 06pm
05pm – 07pm 06pm – 08pm
No age criteria for knowledge, self-investment and trading. For Career Oriented Courses, student need to be minimum 10+2.
Yes, You may.
Yes, there is negative marking in NSE’s and SEBI’s exam.