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  • What is Elliott Wave Theory and its Importance in Swing Trading?

    Umesh Sharma 15 Sep 2020

    Elliott Wave Theory is one of the most renowned theories in technical analysis. Ralph Nelson Elliot developed this. This theory speaks about Waves (patterns). Elliot believed that mass psychology depicts the same recurring patterns in the financial markets. He discovered the underlying social principles and developed the analytical tools in the 1930s. Elliott stated that "because man is subject to rhythmical procedure, calculations having to do with his activities can be projected far into the future with a justification and certainty"

    Elliott developed his market model theory before he realized that it also reflects the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is also closely connected to the golden ratio of retracement and extension (1.618). Intraday and Swing Traders commonly use this ratio and related ratios in sequence as to establish support and resistance levels for market waves, ideally, it signals the price points which help define the parameters of an uptrend or downtrend.


    The Elliott Wave theory infers that layman trader’s psychology, or herd psychology moves between optimism and pessimism which occurs in natural sequences. These mood swings or behavior can be created in the form of patterns which show as an evidence in the price movements of markets at every degree of the trend either uptrend or downtrend or multiple time scale. This theory helps a swing trader to identify longer duration trade setup with signals of resumption, termination of an uptrend, downtrend, correction and extension of the trend.

    Elliott's final major work isNature's Law --The Secret of the Universe, which was published in June 1946, two years before his death.

    Elliott Wave Theory was popularized in the seventies by Robert Prechter and A.J.Frost with their book " Elliott Wave Principle"

    He speaks about waves in 5-3 moves, wherein five waves move in an upward direction of the main trend, known as impulse and three waves move in the corrective phase. These 3 moves are also referred to as ABC. The completed motive patterns include 89 waves, followed by a completed corrective pattern of 55 waves. This theory helps in gauging the upward trend and the corrections that are likely to happen in the future with very high probability.

    The classification of the wave at any degree can vary slightly however standard order of degree or duration would be approximately:

    Grand Super cycle: It can be of multi century (which historically not yet tested in swing trading as no data sets available in financial markets before 19th Century)

    Super cycle: It can be of Multi Decade (again reliability cannot be justified with datasets available given the fact that for any strategy to be tested in trading we need to have backtesting datasets of at least 4 to 5 times)

    Intermediate Cycle: The duration can range from a few weeks to a month which is majorly used or can be deployed by swing traders practically as the other cycles discussed before need extreme discipline and a very high degree of patience. Excuse Me!!! Markets test your patience and to work on Cycle or Super Cycle a trader himself knows how much discipline one needs to have to work on extremely long duration timeframes. Sometimes we need to be practical and realistic in approach. 

    Minor Cycle: The duration cycle can be of a week 

    Minute Cycle:  The duration will be of days and can be used by traders and can be deployed for a day or two

    Minuette Cycle: The duration will be of an hour and can be used by an intraday trader

    Subminuette: The duration will be of an hour and can be used by a scalper who wants to take trade setup for a few minutes of shorter durations.

    Every wave serves one of two functions: action or reaction. Specifically, a wave may either advance the cause of the wave of one larger degree or interrupt it. The function of a wave is determined by its relative direction. An actionary or trend wave is any wave that trends in the same direction as the wave of one larger degree of which it is a part. A reactionary or countertrend wave is any wave that trends in the direction opposite to that of the wave of one larger degree of which it is part. Actionary waves are labeled with odd numbers and letters. Reactionary waves are labeled with even numbers and letters.


    All reactionary waves develop in corrective mode. If all actionary waves developed in motive mode, then different terms would not be needed. Indeed, most actionary waves do subdivide into five waves. However, as the following sections reveal, a few actionary waves develop in corrective mode, i.e., they subdivide into three waves or a variation thereof. Detailed knowledge of pattern construction is required before one can draw the distinction between actionary function and motive mode, which in the underlying model introduced so far are indistinct.

    The following are the advantages of trading with Elliott wave theory in swing trading:

    1. Wave analysis identifies the trend

    2. It signal resumption of the trend

    3. It identifies the termination of the trend

    4. It provides a High probability risk reward ratio trade setup in swing trading

    5. It provides specific exit points when the trade setup fails.

    6. It identifies countertrend move within the trend


    At the Best Stock Markt Institute In Jaipur ,NIWS, You can also have get full fledge training programme for Elliott Wave Theory click here

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  • Advanced Technical Analysis Concepts by NIWS

    Umesh Sharma 12 Sep 2020

    Stock Market is Fire, Rules, Tools, and Strategy are Gasoline to win the game.

    Technical analysis is a method used to predict future prices based on historical cost, volume, and open interest. Technical analysis can help investors anticipate what is "likely" to happen in the coming days, weeks, or months. Technical analysis is the study of past data to predict the future. The past data we studied will be related to price and volume to analyze future price action.

    For example:

    When someone visits a Palmist, he studies the lines in his hand and, based on the analysis which he has learned by analyzing the lines in the past, will help him to predict the future, which means history tends to repeat itself, which means that to predict the future one needs to have the past data which is called analysis.

    Technical analysis applies to stocks, commodities, futures, indices, or any tradable instrument where the price is influenced by supply and demand, i.e., volumes. To analyze a stock or commodity, we need information like prices, volumes, and open interest on a chart, as well as applying various patterns and indicators to assess future price movements. Price refers to any combination of the open, high, low, or close for a given security over a specific time frame. The time frame can be based on intraday (1-minute, 5-minute, 10-minute, 15-minute, 30-minute, or hourly), daily, weekly, or monthly price data, and last a few hours or many years. In addition, some technical analysts include volume or open interest figures in their study of price action. The study is done with the help of candlestick charts and patterns.  So you are willing to become a stock market expert by learning the different aspects of technical analysis, then join a technical analysis course at share market course in Delhi.

     What is Layman Trader Phycology?

    In stock market trading, the fact is that 98% of traders lose money, and 2% of traders make money. Trading is a zero-sum game, which means 2% of the traders take away 98% of traders&rsquo money. This 2% of traders have huge money flow and news flow; in technical terms, they are called market operators. In the short term, demand and supply plays an important role compared to fundamental aspects, which is the basic essence of trading. When layman traders (98% of them) enter the trade on the buy-side or sell-side based on the news flow created by the market for short-term trading, the demand/supply they create is fulfilled by the 2% operator. The real Game Begins Now! The price will now move against the 98% layman traders and continuously move opposite until the entire 98% trader's capital is wiped out.

    “ Market always move anticlockwise of layman traders.

    One should never forget to fly the kite toward the wing. The trend is the best friend of the trader. Change in the market trend needs a change in the behavior of a trader because you need to flow with the market and cannot win no matter what when you try to go against the market. 

    A layman trader does not always sit in the wrong trade. Still, he is not able to reap the entire profits when he is in the profitable trade and wipes out his entire capital when he is in the wrong trade because he does not have a proper entry, exit plan, and stop-loss when the trade or the price action is against him. Further, the market tries to manipulate you by its actions and forces a trader's psychology to enter into a wrong trade and play with emotions and human psychology.  

    For example:

    In the game of Cricket, when a batsman hits the first two balls of a bowler out of the court &lsquo SIX! SIX!,   the bowler's psychology changes, and instead of trying to bowl him out, he tries to finish the next four balls as a DOT. The batsman takes advantage of this emotional change and scores more in the same over. Similarly, a trader enters the trade when the market opens to make a profit, but his psychology changes when he loses money in the first trade due to the wrong trade setup. Instead of entering a proper trade setup to make a profit, he tries to recover his loss, which is the change in psychology and behavior called emotions. 

    “There should not be any emotions when you are trading.” 

    How does technical analysis help you in trading?

     Technical analysis helps a stock market trader enter into a trade with a proper entry plan for selecting a stock. It helps a trader have a proper exit plan for profitable trades and a wrong trade setup. Further, it indicates when a trader should try to maximize his profits with the help of tools and indicators when the volumes support the price. Practice and Patience are the keys to success in trading.

    “ Tools, Rules, and Strategy is the key to success in Trading in Stock Market” Stock Market is like a game of Chess” A trader needs to have a proper strategy for his intraday/swing trading with money management, and he needs to have the data of price and volume for the study and analysis to win big in stock market trading.

    Trading is not a team game. It's a one-man show! A perfect Trader is one who has the proper strategy to take 

    What is the basic Assumption of Technical Analysis?

    Price Discounts Everything:

    Technical analysts believe that the current price fully reflects all information. Because all information is already reflected in the price, it represents the fair value and should form the basis for analysis.

    After all, the market price reflects the sum of knowledge of all participants, including traders, investors, portfolio managers, buy-side analysts, sell-side analysts, market strategists, technical analysts, fundamental analysts, and many others. 

    Technical analysis assumes that, at any given time, a stock's price reflects everything that has or could affect the company - including fundamental factors. Technical analysts believe that the company's fundamentals, along with broader economic factors and market psychology, are all priced into the stock, removing the need to actually consider these factors separately. This only leaves the price movement analysis, which technical theory views as a product of the supply and demand for a particular stock in the market.

    The market price reflects the sum of knowledge of all participants, including traders, investors, portfolio managers, buy-side analysts, sell-side analysts, market strategists, technical analysts, fundamental analysts, and many others.


    Price Movements Are Not Totally Random:

    Most technicians agree that prices trend. However, most technicians also acknowledge that there are periods when prices do not trend. If prices were always random, it would be extremely difficult to make money using technical analysis.

    A technician believes that it is possible to identify a trend, invest, or trade based on the trend and make money as the trend unfolds. Because technical analysis can be applied to many different time frames, it is possible to spot both short-term and long-term trends. Most technical trading strategies are based on this assumption. “Trade with the trend” is the basic logic behind the technical analysis. 

    What Is More Important than Why :

    A technical analyst knows the price of everything, but the value of nothing.

    Technicians, as technical analysts are called, are only concerned with two things:

    1: What is the current price?

    2: What is the history of the price movement?

    All of you will agree that the value of any asset is only what someone is willing to pay for it. Who needs to know why? By focusing just on price and nothing else, the technical analysis represents a direct approach. The price is the final result of the fight between the forces of supply and demand for any tradable instrument.

    The principles of technical analysis are universally applicable. The principles of support, resistance, trend, trading range, and other aspects can be applied to any chart. Technical analysis can be used for any time horizon, for any marketable instrument like stocks, futures, commodities, fixed-income securities, forex, etc.

    Although generating calls using principle rules may sound easy, technical analysis is not easy. Success requires serious study, dedication, and an open mind.

    Step-by-step analysis of any stock or commodity:

    1: Overall Trend

    2: Support and Resistance

    3: Buying and Selling Pressure

    4: Relative Strength

    Technical analysis uses a top-down approach to investing.

    An investor would analyze long-term and short-term charts for each stock.

    Consider the overall market, probably the market behaviour index.

    If the market is in bullish mode, then select the particular sector and then choose the stocks.

    Supply, Demand, and Price Action:

    Many technicians use the open, high, low, and close when analyzing a security's price action. Each bit of information provides information.

    These will not be able to tell much separately. However, taken together, the open, high, low, and close reflect forces of supply and demand.

    “ The effort and toil given in your practice and training will help a soldier save his blood in war!” 

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  • 5 myths about mutual funds

    Rohit Sharma 31 Aug 2020

    1-Mutual funds are full of risk.

    In the long run, we have learned from our friends, family, and relatives that investing in mutual funds is very risky. Yes, it is risky but if we have the best knowledge of investing then we won't feel any collapse, the same applies in the mutual funds the moment we invest in it we get the financial managers who handle our investment wisely. 

    The mutual fund gives us a safe opportunity to invest in the market we get to see the brighter side of the market through this. A mutual fund is a subject to risk, but they invest the money in parts to the best companies of the market through this. So it is not that full of risk how people think about it.

    2-You need lots of money to start.

    Earlier, we saw that people are making the wrong perception that mutual funds are full of risk, however, they also make erroneous thinking that you need a lot of money to start investing in mutual funds.

    You can start an investment in mutual funds as low as Rs 500 in an equity-linked saving scheme (ELSS) or Rs 1000 every month in systematic investment plans (SIPs).

    These are the lowest price you can start investing within mutual funds, a middle-class family man can also invest in the mutual funds without troubling their financial chart, with this they can invest to grow into the market and this again breaks this myth that you need a big amount to start investing into the market.

    3- You need a master's knowledge of the market to invest.

    It's again a misconception, people tend to have this in their mind that they need a master's knowledge to start investing in mutual funds before you invest. You get the full guidance of the company's experts to pick up the best of the market. They explain to you everything about the share.

    The finance expert always provides you with the best knowledge of the market with their experience, with the help of them you can invest wisely and grow your fortune with it. With the guidance of the expert, you can learn from them and grab the knowledge.

    4-You need the Demat account to invest in Mutual funds.

    Although It is beneficial for you to have a Demat account, that doesn't mean that you need a Demat account to start investing in mutual funds.there are so many online distributors who provide you the funds with the best knowledge of investment, you will get all the guidelines from them about the mutual funds.

     apart from that, you can get it directly from the fund house. From there you can buy it directly along the side they will provide you the mutual fund from their parameters.

    5-You can not invest in the international market & it's hard to exit from the mutual funds.

    Due to COVID-19, the Indian market has seen some disaster numbers in the economy but, with this, we ponder to invest in the international market. But, we tend to get this that we can not invest in the international market. This is not true. We can invest in international mutual funds.

    Despite this, people also believe that it's hard to exit from the funds. They think if you sign for X years then you have to stick with it or the company will charge you with the penalty. It is not true you can sign freely for 5,10,20 or whatever time you want to invest. You can easily sign off with a single notification.

    So, after all the points we hope that we have provided you with the best knowledge about the myth of Mutual funds that people are creating around the market with no credibility in it. We are not telling you, people, that it is full of risk-free but yes for sure it is not full of risk too.

    Keep coming to our website or join the share trading course in Delhi to learn more about investment plans, we hope that we will always help you to guide you the best.

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  • What are the regulations of Primary Markets?

    Deepak Sharma 27 Aug 2020

    NOTE:This is second part of our artical What Is Primary Market .

    What are the regulations of Primary Markets?

    The primary markets are regulated by the Companies Act, 2013, Securities and Contract Regulation Act, 1956, SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009 for issue of equity and debt securities by companies.

    The provisions of these Acts regulate the following with respect to public issues:

    Eligibility to make public issue

    Information to be provided to the public and regulators

    Reservation for different categories of investors

    Methods of making the offer to investors

    Timelines for the issue process

    Usage of funds raised in issues

    Continued involvement and accountability of promoters and other inside investors in case of equity issuances.

    Provision for investors to continuously evaluate the investment and execute investment and exit decisions.

    What are the Types of Investors?

    The following are the various categories of investors who buy securities in the primary markets:

    Resident individuals

    Hindu undivided family (HUF)

    Minors through guardians

    Registered societies and clubs

    Non-resident Indians (NRI)

    Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)

    Qualified Foreign investors (QFI)


    Financial institutions

    Association of persons


    Partnership firms


    Foreign institutional investors (FIIs)

    Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP)

    Individual investors are further categorized based on the amount invested as retail, who invests less than Rs.2 lakhs in a single issue

    Non-institutional buyers (NIBs) who invest more than Rs. 2 lakhs in a single issue.

    The other categories of investors are classified as institutional investors and are also known as qualified institutional buyers (QIBs).

    What are the types of public issue?

    Initial Public Offer (IPO)

    Fresh Issue of Shares

    Offer for Sale

    Follow-on Public Offer

    Initial Public Offer (IPO)

    The first public offer of shares made by a company is called an Initial Public Offer (IPO).

    When a company makes an IPO the shares of the company becomes widely held and there is a change in the shareholding pattern. The shares which were privately held by promoters are now held by retail investors, institutions, promoters etc.

    An IPO can either be a fresh issue of shares by the company or it can be an offer for sale to the public by any of the existing shareholders.

    Fresh Issue of Shares: New shares are issued by the company to public investors. The issued share capital of the company increases. The percentage holding of existing shareholders will come down due to the issuance of new shares.

    Offer for Sale: Existing shareholders such as promoters or financial institutions offer a part of their holding to the public investors. The share capital of the company does not change since the company is not making a new issue of shares.

    Follow-on Public Offer: A follow-on public offer is made by an issuer that has already made an IPO in the past and now makes a further issue of securities to the public. When a company wants additional capital for growth or to redo its capital structure by retiring debt, it raises equity capital through a fresh issue of capital in a follow-on public offer.

    To learn about Stock Makret you need to have training by some professionals guidensse you will need to join share market classes in Indore.

    How is the pricing of an issue done?

    SEBI’s Regulations allow an issuer to decide the price at which the shares will be allotted to investors in a public issue.

    Fixed Price Issue:

    In a fixed price issue of shares to the public, the company in consultation with the Investment Banker would decide on the price at which the shares will be issued. The company justifies the price based on the expected performance of the company and the price of shares of comparable companies in the market.

    Book Built Issue:

    The objective of a book-building process is to identify the price that the market is willing to pay for the securities being issued by the company.

    The company and its issue managers/Investment Bankers will specify either a floor price or a price band within which investors can bid.

    When the issue opens, investors will put in bid applications specifying the price and the number of securities bid at that price. The price bid should be above the floor price or within the price band, as applicable.

    The issuer will decide on the cut-off price at which the issue gets subscribed.

    All allottees who bid at or above the cut-off price are successful bidders eligible for allotment in the respective categories.

    In a book-built offer, not more than 50% shall be offered to the QIBs, of which 5% shall be reserved for mutual funds, not less than 15% to non-institutional investors, and not less than 35% to retail investors.

    For fixed price offers, a minimum of 50% of the net offer of securities to the public shall be initially made for allotment to retail individual investors and the balance to HNIs and other investors.

    What are the Regulatory Norms of SEBI for Public Issue of Shares?

    A public issue will be open for a minimum of three working days and a maximum of 10 working days for fixed-price issues.

    For book-built issues, the offer will be open for 3 to 7 days, extendable by 3 days in case of a revision in the price band.

    Companies making a public offer of shares are required to get the IPO graded by a credit rating agency registered with SEBI. The grading is done based on the industry's prospects, the company's competitive strength, and business risks.

    Major Credit Rating agencies are S&P, Fitch, Moodys, Crisil, ICRA, CARE.

    A public issue is open for subscription during a limited period as notified by the company.

    The application forms are available with the brokers and syndicate members and with collection banks appointed as constituents to the issue.

    In a book-built offer, investors must place bids for the minimum bid lot specified by the issuer so that the minimum application value adheres to the SEBI prescribed range of Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 15,000.

    Payment for applications made in a public issue must be made through a local cheque, demand draft, or using the ASBA facility.

    If the issue is oversubscribed, then the shares will be allotted to an investor proportionately.

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  • What is Primary Market

    Deepak Sharma 22 Aug 2020

    Primary Market

    —  The primary market refers to the market where equity or debt funds are raised by companies, institutions, and the Government from ‘outside’ investors through an offer of securities.

    —  It is also called the “new issue market” since the securities are issued for the first time by the company to the investors

    —  Equity issues of shares lead to capital formation as new additional shares are issued to the investors, as well as leads to equity dilution of promoters and early investors.

    What are the Functions of Primary Market?

    —  Wider Investor Participation:  Companies move away from known sources of funding that may be restrictive in terms of the amount available or the terms at which capital may be made available. They may be able to raise the funds they require at much more competitive terms.

    —  Foster Competitive Processes: Securities are issued for public subscription, at a price that is determined by the demand and supply conditions in the market and the perceived fundamental strengths of the issuer to honor their commitments.

    —  Diversify Ownership: The stakes of existing shareholders reduce and the ownership of the business becomes more broad-based and diversified. This enables the separation of ownership and management of an enterprise, where professional managers will be brought in to work in the broad interest of a large group of diverse shareholders.

    —  Better Disclosures: A business that seeks to raise capital from new investors. has to meet higher standards of disclosure and transparency.

    —  Evaluation by Investors: An issuer that raises money from outside investors will be open for evaluation by a large number of prospective investors, who would assess the information provided. Publicly disclosed financial statements, reports, prospectus, and other information also come up for scrutiny and discussion by analysts, researchers, activists, and media apart from investors.

    —  Exit for Early Investors: Primary markets provide an exit option for promoters, private, and inside investors who subscribed to the initial capital and early requirements for the capital of a business. Such investors will be able to realize the value of the investment made by offering their shares, fully or partly, when the company makes an issue in the primary market as the security needs to be compulsory issue security in the secondary market.

    —  Liquidity for Securities: Primary market issue distributes the securities to a large number of investors and it is mandatory to list a public issue of securities in the stock exchange. This opens up the secondary market where the securities can be bought and sold between investors, without impacting the capital raised and used by the business.

    —  Regulatory Supervision: The issuing process, intermediaries involved, the disclosure norms, and every step of the primary issue process is subject to regulatory provisions and supervision. The objective is to protect the interest of investors who contribute capital to a business. 

    What are the types of Issues?

    Issuance of capital in the primary market can be classified under four broad heads:

    —  Public issue: Securities are issued to the members of the public and anyone eligible to invest can participate in the issue. This is primarily a retail issue of securities.

    —  Private placement: Securities are issued to a select set of investors who can bid and purchase the securities on offer. This is primarily a wholesale issue of securities to institutional investors by an unlisted company.

    —  Preferential issue: A private placement of securities by a listed company is called a preferential issue. Securities are issued to an identified set of investors, on preferential terms, along with or independent of a public issue.

    —  Qualified Institutional Placement (QIP): A private placement of securities by a listed company to a set of institutional investors termed as qualified institutional buyers. Qualified institutional buyers include institutions such as mutual funds.

    —  Rights and Bonus issues: Securities are issued to existing investors as on a specific cut-off date, enabling them to buy more securities at a specific price (rights) or get an allotment of additional shares without any consideration (bonus).

    Who can be an Issuer of Securities?

    —  An issuer in the primary market has to be eligible to raise capital under the provisions of the law that governs it.

    —  The issuer has to meet the eligibility conditions specified by the concerned regulator before making an issue.

    —  The primary responsibility to meet the obligations associated with the security being issued rests on the issuer.

    Issue of securities in the primary market may be made by the following entities:

    —  Central, State, and Local Governments: They raise funds to meet their fiscal deficits by issuing bonds called government securities (G-secs) and treasury bills. The central government can issue Treasury bills for different maturities such as 91 days, 182 days, and 364 days.

    —  Public Sector Units: These are companies registered under the Companies Act, 2013, in which the government is the majority shareholder. These companies may make an issue of shares where the government offers a portion of the shares held by them to the public. This is called disinvestment.

    —  Private Sector Companies: They raise equity and debt funds from the markets by issuing securities. They may issue ordinary equity shares, preference shares and convertible instruments. For this category of issuers, the securities market is the principal source of funds.

    —  Banks, Financial Institutions and Non-banking Finance Companies: They raise funds by issuing equity shares, preference shares, bonds, convertible bonds, commercial paper, certificates of deposits and securitized paper. However, financial institutions and NBFCs raise short-term and long-term capital through the issue of securities.

    —  Mutual Funds: They make a new fund offer (NFO) of units in the domestic markets to raise funds for a defined scheme. The funds may be raised for a specific period after which the current value of the units will be returned to the investors (Closed-end fund) or for perpetuity with investors being given the option to exit at any time at the prevailing value of the units.

    What are the regulations for issuing securities?

    —  The Companies Act 2013 regulates the primary markets, Securities and Contract Regulation Act, 1956, and SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009, for the issue of equity and debt securities by companies.

    The provisions of these Acts regulate the following concerning public issues:

    —  Eligibility to make a public issue

    —  Information to be provided to the public and regulators

    —  Reservation for different categories of investors

    —  Methods of making the offer to investors

    —  Timelines for the issue process

    —  Usage of funds raised in issues

    —  Continued involvement and accountability of promoters and other inside investors in case of equity issuances.

    —  Provision for investors to continuously evaluate the investment and execute investment and exit decisions.

    —  The securities issued through public issues need to be listed as securities in the secondary market.

    The new issue market is another name for the primary market. Hence, in the primary market, companies issue their share to the standard public for the first time by listing themselves on the stock exchange. Once the shares are listed, any investors can do trading for that particular company's shares. However, performing the act of trading becomes difficult when you don't know the right ways. If you want to become a successful trader, then NEWS (National Institute of Wall Street) is your answer. Here, students can easily find a wide range of stock market courses as per career prospects, and the faculty who will teach has gained 15 years of stock market experience, that is why it is considered the best share market training in Indore.

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  • Career Opportunities in Digital Marketing

    Umesh Sharma 6 Aug 2020

    When you are on the internet, there are lots of things available. For example, funny videos, memes, blogs, viral videos, and sometimes irritating stuff like ads, pictures, etc.

    Do you ever have a wish to do like these? 

    If you answer yes, congratulations. You have made your career path: a career in digital marketing.

    Now a question arises: what is the scope of Digital Marketing course?


    Why Digital Marketing


    • This field is progressive. Technology is developing every day, and you must update your digital marketing skills with upcoming trends. With these formulas, your career keeps growing over time.
    • All know that the world is entering the digital era these days. All companies have their digital presence, which is why they create many career opportunities.
    • If you are doing this, you have various career options. For example, if you love writing, you can become a content marketer. If you are creative enough, you can pursue social media marketing.
    • Research has stated that digital marketing is growing 10x faster than traditional marketing. Those companies are online; they have already generated ten times more than others and are also developing more job opportunities in the market.
    • There is no time limit, such as 9.00 to 5.00 job scenarios. This will make you your boss. You can work according to your time availability or as a freelancer.


    Major Job roles available in Digital Marketing:

    Digital Marketing Executive:

    This is the first job role you can apply for seeking an internship or start your career in digital marketing. In this job role, you execute your strategy, learn from it, and get the desired results. This is a mixed job profile where you have to crush yourself in different segments. For example, toward your business goals you to optimize your search engine work on social media, and sometime you will write content too or you will play with ad segments. In India, this is a topmost job profile where companies hire and people get hired.

    Social Media Executive:

    This job fascinates you at first sight if you like social media but this is not like uploading pictures on Instagram or tweeting on twitter. There is more to do in it. As a social media executive, you are required to be up to date about the latest trends going on. Sometimes this is not necessary if something got viral on Instagram also got viral on twitter.its all have to understand as social media executives. You have to plan your strategy according to your coordinator or your team, your client on every single day. Creating quality content, Video. Color psychology is also part of your job. In-depth knowledge about all social media platforms are required according to their nature.

    Seo Executive:

    A well-designed website will be of no use if there is no traffic on the website. Now this is role for a Seo Executive. An Seo executives are responsible for getting traffic not your website and get visibility on the Web. They also improve the company's ranking over search engines. They make sure that the content which is available on the website is friendly to search,already done in-depth keyword research, Seo Tools, etc.

    PPC/Search Engine marketer:

    Here is the job role for a search engine marketer if we talk about those useful or sometimes irritating ads. These ads are created by these people. They generate instant leads at a very low cost that's why there are huge requirements in markets for PPC/ Search engine professionals marketer. As PPC/ Search engine experts their job responsibility is to manage PPC keywords. Their ads group, landing pages, generate reports day by day and manage ad copies and graphics, etc

    Website Developer & Designer:

    They are the people behind that attractive website that is available on the internet. The web designer and web developer are their own significance but if it's come to the web developer is specific as develop website and web site designer design a website and it comes to a lot of things. As website developers/designers they are responsible for a website user interface, their modification making it user friendly. As a website developer/designer you should have knowledge about HTML, CSS, Javascript, and web programming.if you are not having knowledge of Coding you can still develop a website on WordPress and become a WordPress website specialist.

    Content Marketer:

    If you are born a writer or think you are writing better as available on another web page, this job role is for you only. The job responsibility of a content marketer is to create good and unique content, coordinate with other team content has to be qualified to go viral, promoted as an SEO version, and follow the latest trends. Last but not least, as a content marketer, you should have good knowledge of the English language so that you can play with the word in a creative way.


    Manager Role:

    After 3 to 5 years of work experience, there are a couple of managerial job roles available where people can apply, such as Digital marketing manager, social media manager, and SEO manager. Sometimes, people get promoted for this job role; it may depend on the company and the candidate. As a manager, your responsibility is to handle a team, coordinate, and develop a proper strategy so that the company can get more ROI.


    Other Job Role:

    Apart from the designation or job role mentioned above, there are many more jobs available in industries. It all depends on the company or its requirements. Some of them are mentioned below.


    • E-Commerce Manager
    • Email Marketer
    • Web Analytics Specialist
    • Marketing Analysis
    • Media Planner
    • Copywriter And Editor

    Earnings of a Digital Marketer:

    So here are the answers to the most expected questions about earnings. See, the salary continuously varies according to the company, their norms, and the job role you have applied for. 


    1. The average starting salary can be in the range of 2.7 to 4.5 lakh per Annum.
    2. Based on your skills and expertise, an experienced professional's average salary can be in the range of 4.2 to 7.5 Lakh per annum.
    3. A seasoned professional with expert knowledge and 3 to 5 years of experience can earn up to 10 to 12 lakh.

    How do you can Start?

    There is no special degree available to get into digital marketing, but some certifications are definitely available. If you are planning to do this, you can start with these certifications to stand out from others.

    For the certification, you have to pass an examination and learn digital marketing.

    We also have a training program for Master's degrees in digital marketing. You can check out our modules and earn 10+ certifications.

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