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  • Career Pathways In Stock Market: Opportunities Beyond Trading

    NIWS Team 19 Jan 2024

    A strategic decision-making approach, sharp intuition, and logical and quick thinking are essential to navigate and understand the potential and complexities of the stock market. Since the stock industry has many lucrative career pathways, you can let your financial expertise rise in the dynamic trading world.

    The right skills, determination, and expertise will help you create a rewarding career in the trading industry while experiencing success and unparalleled growth. Some career paths in the stock market shared through this guide are suggested by NIWS, stock market trading courses in delhi, and are the opportunities beyond trading that will help you gain financial freedom and success.

    Importance Of Career Pathways In the Stock Market

    A successful career in the stock market is crucial for people willing to enter the financial or trading market.

    People willing to grow well in their financing careers and want to become financial marketers can work as chief financial officers, auditors, financial analysts, financial advisors,  investment managers, and other finance professionals.

    Your confidence in handling the complexities and managing the risks of trading and investing in the stock market is with the right ideal guidance, education, certification, skills, and knowledge.

    These demanding positions are beneficial due to the rapid expansion of businesses, and people seek experts and professionals to seal in this ever-evolving and rapidly growing finance industry.  


    How Do You Avail Opportunities In The Stock Market?


    Considering Professional Certifications

    Professional certifications from reputed stock market institutes, like NIWS, will exhibit your commitment and experience in the financial market. The certification programs are extensive testing, studying, and training, providing knowledge and a competitive edge in this trading world. Some certifications to consider are a certified Diploma in Research Analyst, a Certificate in Stock and Financial Markets, Certified Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, and many more.

    Staying Current With Industry Trends

    Since the stock market is constantly evolving, staying current and updated with emerging financial trends is crucial. Understanding financial software, data analysis tools, and trading platforms will help you stay informed. Participating in development opportunities and skills and seeking training programs are all helpful in staying current in industry trends and best practices.

    Practical Experience- Entry-Level Positions Or Internships

    Experiencing entry-level positions and internships will help you gain practical experience in the stock market. It is the best option to get knowledge and expertise from industry experts. Asset management companies, investment banks, or brokerage companies are the best to opt for entry-level positions and internships. It will help you gain knowledge and exposure to sales, trading, research, and many other roles in the stock market.  

    Developing Financial Knowledge

    Understanding financial principles and concepts is crucial to succeed in the financial or stock market. Formal education or courses associated with investments, accounting, and finance can help you gain a better understanding. Attending seminars and conferences and reviewing financial news and publications will help you remain updated with industry trends.

    Developing Communication Skills

    Communication skills are necessary for every career opportunity, and developing them will help you make informed investment decisions and build relationships in the stock industry. Strong communication will help you communicate complex finance ideas adequately to your colleagues, clients, or industry experts. Seeking advice from mentors and educators can improve the financial analytic presentation practice and skills to others.

    Building a Network Of Industry Experts

    Building a network of experts and professionals is crucial for almost every industry. Networking is a great opportunity to seek industry experts' knowledge and career advancement options. You can build networking by participating in stock market-specific social media groups, online forums, or networks to share ideas and connect with industry experts. 

    Joining professional organisations and attending seminars, conferences, and other industry events will expand your network and help you learn more about career pathways in the stock market.  

    Career Pathways In The Stock Market


    Investment Banker

    Investment bankers are the ones who bring the biggest deals on stock markets, including Wall Street. Initial public offerings, acquisitions and mergers, and security offerings moved by all financial transactions are operated behind the scenes by investment bankers. They raise capital for the companies by selling and underwriting securities. 

    Communicative solid and analytical capabilities are required for this role, along with the vital skills to perform perfectly under pressure. 

    Financial Analyst

    Financial analysis is among those career paths that necessitate strong analytical and mathematical skills. This role is crucial for making investment decisions and strategies for the clients and the company they work for. Investment banks, insurance companies, and other large corporations often provide employment opportunities to financial analysts.   

    Portfolio Manager

    Portfolio managers develop new investment strategies while considering the company’s or the client’s past investments. They manage and create investment allocations for corporate or institutional investors, individuals, private clients, and families. This role necessitates forecasting knowledge, financial modelling, and strong leadership and analytical skills.


    Stockbrokers often assist in selling and buying stocks to investors. This role as an intermediary and middleman is regulated and licensed by the financial regulatory authority. They advise clients and investors on investment advisory services, interpret financial reports, and manage portfolios. 

    This position required strong negotiation, mathematical communication and analytical skills, while perfectly evaluating financial reports and offering accurate investment advice.

    Risk Manager

    Risk managers are responsible for mitigating many risks in the stock market, including operational, reputational, regulatory, liquidity, market, and credit risks. Their expertise helps them implement policies and strategies to manage risks while providing recommendations and valuable insights on investments and financial decisions. 

    This role necessitates leadership, IT, problem-solving, and communication skills while being detail-oriented and skilled in statistical models and analysis.


    Traders often sell and buy securities for larger investment management firms, such as banks or exchanges, they work for. Their specialisation is in one asset class or investment type. They conduct their analysis and research, review them to recommend them to portfolio managers or clients, and work in forex, derivatives, commodities, debts, stocks, and other markets. 

    This role necessitates multi-tasking skills and must have the capability to work under a high-pressure and fast-paced work setting.


    The interesting and beneficial directions and highly globalised financial market demand finance professionals. This dynamic industry necessitates industry and role-specific skills, including stock market research, financial modelling, equity and valuations skills and other certifications and expertise to grab the right career path in the stock market.

    Building a network of industry experts, considering professional certifications, developing communication skills, developing financial knowledge, practical experience in entry-level positions or internships, and staying current with industry trends can help you grab many career opportunities. These career paths may include the role of financial analyst, investment banker, portfolio manager, stockbroker, risk manager, trader, and many other finance professionals.

    The suitable qualifications and skills can help you gain the right career path in the fast-paced, ever-evolving, and demanding financial market. Consider reaching NIWS to specialise in the role you opt for and succeed in the stock market. 

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  • How To Minimize Portfolio Risk With Options Hedging

    NIWS 19 Sep 2023

    Suppose you have XYZ asset in your portfolio, purchased at INR 200, currently valued at INR 180, and, based on the declared quarter results, the stock value is expected suddenly fall more. But according to your research, the company is planning for a change and is about to launch the same, which holds a high chance of a price increase, possibly a 2x or 3x surge in the current price. So, you wish not to sell the stock at a lower price but also to protect the risk (if your prediction goes wrong!)

    So, in this jumbled-up situation, Option Trading strategies are your saviour. But before we begin with the option trading details, here’s a quick overview of hedging (a financial strategy that protects against risk).

    What is Hedging?

    Hedging is a financial strategy that helps offset risk, protecting yourself against loss and paying a premium for the same.

    To begin with, here’s an easy example to explain what hedging is and how it helps wave off the risk!

    Rice Farmer and Rice Futures Market -

    A farmer plants his winter rice seeds in June-July and plans to sell his harvest in November-December. However, in the six months gap, the farmer is subject to the price risk that it might fall from its current value, INR 80/Kg. While the farmer is planning for maximum profits on his harvest, he also does not want to speculate on the price of rice. So, after planting the seeds, he sells a 6-months (expiration date) futures contract for INR 80/Kg (the strike price).

    Six months have passed, and the farmer is now ready to sell his harvest. So, there might be three situations, either the price is the same, has fallen or has increased.

    • In case of the same price, i.e., INR 80/Kg, the farmer will sell at no profit or loss.

    • In case of a price fall to INR 70/Kg, the farmer will be on the safe side, selling his harvest at the pre-decided price, INR 80/Kg, preventing the loss of INR 10/Kg.

    • In case of a price rise, INR 90/Kg, the farmer will sell his lot at the pre-decided future contract price, INR 80, recording a loss of INR 10/Kg.

    This is termed hedging, where the rice farmer has limited profits and losses.

    Options Explained-

    Options are trading contracts that give the holder the right to sell or purchase a share when it reaches the strike price or before the contract expiration date. However, options trading only gives the right, not the obligation, to sell or purchase.

    • Call Options - If you believe that the stock’s market price has a chance to rise from its current level, you will buy a call option.

    • Put Options - If you believe that the market price of the share will fall below the current price, you will buy a put option.

    The risk factor is, therefore, limited when buying put or call options and more when selling the same.

    Options Trading with Hedging-

    To explain it in easier terms, let’s relate options trading with hedging with an example -

    You own 50 stocks of XYZ Company, and bought these stocks at INR 10 each. You are concerned that the price of this stock might fall in future and want to limit your risk. In this case, you will buy a call option at a strike price of INR 8 (which will give you the right and not an obligation) after paying INR 50 premium, with an expiration period of 1 month. Suppose the price fell to INR 5 (recording a loss of INR 250) after 15 days, but since you had a put option at INR 8, you are at INR 150 profit from the current price, recording a total loss of INR 100 only.

    Suppose the price rises to INR 20; your profit will be INR 10 x 50 stocks = INR 500 - INR 50 (premium paid), which is INR 450 (total profits).

    Benefits of Options Trading with Hedging-

    • Risk Reduction:

    Options trading with hedging can effectively minimise the risk of potential losses caused by price fluctuations, safeguarding investments.

    • Flexibility:

    Options contracts are highly flexible regarding strike prices, expiration dates, and other factors, allowing investors to customise their hedging strategies to their specific needs and goals.

    • Potential For Gains:

    Despite being a risk-averse strategy, options trading with hedging still offers gains if the underlying asset's price moves in the investor's favour, enabling investors to benefit from favourable market conditions.

    • Limited Losses:

    By hedging with options contracts, investors can limit their losses to a predetermined amount, providing greater certainty and peace of mind in uncertain market conditions.

    • Cost-Effectiveness:

    Compared to other hedging strategies, options trading can be relatively cost-effective, particularly when combined with other methods, making it accessible to many investors.

    • Increased liquidity:

    The options market is highly liquid, which means that options contracts can be easily bought and sold, giving investors greater control over their hedging strategies and facilitating the quick execution of trades.

    Conclusion -

    Financial terms for trading and investment, including hedging, options trading, and options trading with hedging, are quite challenging to understand without clearing out the basics. And trading with fewer or no details about the financial terms can lead to significant losses.

    If you want to hedge in options trading, NIWS courses in Jaipur, Delhi and Indore or online trading courses will help you. NIWS is a renowned Stock Market Institute In Jaipur. It offers the best modules for finance, banking, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, wealth management, stock market, portfolio management and other high-paying skills.

    For all trading and stock market course in Indore, book your free demo with the experts to excel in your skills.

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  • The Psychology of Fear and Greed in Stock Market Investing

    NIWS 19 Aug 2023

    There's a saying that the Stock Market is driven by two emotions: Fear and Greed.

    Indeed it's true that fear and greed are two emotional stages which are theorized as factors that play killjoy in equity decision-making. And if one succumbs to these emotions, it can have dire consequences for their portfolio.

    You see, when fear takes hold, rationality often takes a backseat. This means investors sell off their stocks in droves when fear is associated with them.  Likewise, greed is an easy emotion that instigates investors (not the way fear does) to buy higher-priced stocks.

    So if emotions supervise investment decisions, it verbatim leads to irrational decisions that may cost you tremendous coffers. Meanwhile, let's delve into the psychology behind fear and greed in stock market investing.

    What Is Behavioral Finance?


    • Investors tend to fall victim to different biases when making financial decisions.
    • Behavioural finance is the medley of behavioural and cognitive psychology with economic theory.
    • In other words, behavioral finance in the context of the stock market conveys that investors make decisions based on bounded rationality rather than fully optimizing their decision-making process.
    • Besides this, behavioural finance also plays a pivotal role in shaping the approach to investment decisions.


    Common Stock Market Fears

    Emotions are the powerful drivers that can impact a trader's investment decisions. And as far as emotional turmoil is concerned, investors usually make bad decisions.

    Even Harvard Business Reviews says that the human brain has two tricks up its sleeves to help make decisions which is:

    • Emotional Tagging.
    • Pattern Recognition.

    Circling back to the primary point, here are some stock market fears that investors should be aware of:


    • Fear: This emotion ushers to panic selling which results in consequential losses. Ensure that your judgments are based on reason rather than dread.
    • Envy: Admiring your fellow investor's success is one thing, but keeping jealousy can jeopardize your own investment.
    • Greed: Holding stocks for a long time can result in significant losses. 
    • Depression: The one trait that depression has when stuck in an investor's mind is that it makes them recall their failures more than their success. They believe they're safeguarding their investment but are missing out on some great opportunities.
    • Overconfidence: Investors follow their herd instincts to increase their positions despite it's high valuations.
    • Denial: Investors tend to ignore the warning sign as the market demands weakness.
    • Panic: As soon as the prices plummet, investors' heart rushes to sell.
    • Capitulation: Investors exit the markets when their herd accepts its losses.


    How To Manage The Psychology Of Fear And Greed To Be A Successful Trader

    Develop a Well-Defined Trading Plan


    • Every trader must have a well-defined trading plan written in stone.
    • Because it outlines everything about your trading, like your risks, markets you trade on, hours you invest in, and the time you put into the study.

    It ensures that your: 

    • Mind stays on track and
    • You don't get deviated from this agenda due to emotional impulses.


    Learn From Others

    • According to an article published in Science, emotions do play a crucial role in making decisions and evaluating risk.
    • On average, traders relinquished their money even though there were more green trades in contrast with the losing ones. 
    • Why? Because traders hold their positions with the hope of turnaround when the price stirs against their trade than they would have gained if it moved in their favour.


    Have A Journal

    • If you keep losing your trades or constantly getting stopped and don’t know why, you must create a trading journal. 
    • Having a trading journal beside you to track every single one of the traits will help you analyze your win/loss ratio and RSI (Relative Strength Index) level. 
    • Using a trading journal as a tool will help you grow as a trader in the Forex or stock markets and allow you to find out why you are losing trades and adjust your strategy accordingly so that those losses don’t happen as often.


    Furthermore, if you’re planning to invest in the stock market classes indore, the assistance of a stock market professional can help you with the best results and profits. NIWS is one of the renowned Stock Market Institute in India and offers the best stock trading courses.

    One of the main benefits of opting for trading courses from NIWS - one of the best stock market institutes in Delhi is the professional’s expertise and experience, which help learners with financial and technical analysis, eliminating the chances of psychological fear or emotion-driven decisions. 

    Tips to Avoid Emotional Investing

    Buy And Hold

    • The ones who are active traders are underperformers in the stock market, says- Professor Terrance Odean studies investor behaviour.
    • The grounds behind why this professor stated this is because these traders sell up their winnings and hold their losing investments.
    • Whereas the ones who are the highest performers don't trade very often.


    Diversify Your Portfolio

    • When you invest in a bunch of different assets, the growth in some helps nullify the losses of others.


    Cook Your Facts 

    • One thing many novice investors are guilty of is investing with their emotions instead of a practical approach. For example, if you plan on investing in small-cap stocks, you should obviously not focus on long-term gains or returns. 
    • However, you should still find stocks that are priced at attractive levels. This will make your short-term investing decisions with a higher degree of success.

    If you want to ace stock trading while reducing the risks of emotionally-driven investment decisions, NIWS - a stock market institute in Delhi and Jaipur is the best option to upskill. Connect with expert stock trading professionals now to learn more. 

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  • The Importance Of Sectoral Analysis In Indian Stock Market Investing

    NIWS 14 Aug 2023

    Among the most dynamic and vibrant investment avenues in the modern era is investing in the Indian stock market. A market research report shows that the Indian stock market received a 6.6% CAGR, greater returns than China and the United States in the past 123 years. The stock market offers many opportunities to create wealth through its increased investor participation and rapidly rising economy. A strategic approach is required to navigate the stock market’s complexities surpassing individual stock selection. It is where the sectoral analysis comes into the picture.

    Evaluating and studying specific economic sectors are involved in sectoral analysis to identify the risks, opportunities, and trends that could significantly impact investing in the stock market. Investors can make wise choices when conducting sectoral analysis and obtain insights into the economy’s overall strength.

    Overview Of The Indian Stock Market

    The Indian Stock Market, often called National Stock Exchange (NSE) or Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), is among the most active and largest stock markets. It gives the investors or traders the participation option for the business growth of a nation and companies with a network for capitalization.

    Sectoral analysis in Indian stock market investing is significant due to the multifaceted and diverse nature of the economy. Investment opportunities and emerging trends are identified by sectoral analysis. Investors can capitalise on sectors poised when they study and analyse the industry-specified dynamics, regulatory environment, and microeconomic factors. It also gives them insight into customer behaviour, technological advancements, and the competitive landscape within the sector.

    Significance Of Sectoral Analysis

    The sectoral analysis is significant for the Indian Stock Market since it provides valuable capitalization and future growth opportunities. It also helps investors evaluate sectoral dynamics and discover potential growth options.

    This in-depth analysis allows them to participate in the development and growth of the nation’s economy. Long-term wealth option is built through the market's platforms with continuous reforms, regulatory oversight, and a diversified securities range. 

    Benefits Of Sectoral Analysis

    • Diversification Of Portfolio

    Portfolio diversification of investors is allowed through sectoral analysis. When they spread their investments throughout various sectors, their risks of exposure specified to the sector are reduced. Volatility and downturn impact in a specific sector is mitigated through portfolio diversification. The possibilities of long-term stable returns and a resilient and balanced portfolio increase. 

    • Capitalization On Emerging Industries

    Emerging sectors and industries with growth and development potential are identified through sectoral analysis. Investors spot sectors expected to observe futuristic growth through in-depth sectoral analysis. Early-stage investments in such emerging industries or sectors can help investors gain substantial capitalization. 

    The sectoral analysis also helps investors with valuable market insights and opportunities, allowing them maximum growth prospects while strategically allocating their capital.

    • Risk Management

    Once sector-specific risks are understood, investors can carefully decide about their investments. They have access to many factors that could impact the sector's performance, including market competition, regulatory framework, etc. Their portfolios can be adjusted when they analyse sectors and help them mitigate and manage risks associated with specific sectors. The investment portfolio’s overall resilience and stability are enhanced through this approach to manage risk.

    • Strategies And Tools For Sectoral Analysis

    Investors can wisely decide about investments when provided with several tools and strategies through sectoral analysis. The companies’ competitive position, growth potential, and financial health within a specific sector are commonly used through fundamental analysis. Exit and entry points, resistance and support levels, and market trends for investments in specific sectors are identified through technical analysis. 

    Investors can make wise choices and gain a valuable understanding of sectoral dynamics through market research, industry reports, and financial ratios. 

    • Considerations And Challenges

    Investors must evaluate certain challenges and factors. It will help them remain updated on policy changes, economic indicators, and industry news that may pose challenges to specific sectors. Continuous evaluation and monitoring are essential since market trends and cycles can rapidly change. 

    A thorough understanding of associated risks, drivers, and dynamics is required for sectoral analysis of every sector. Therefore, investors should be careful, get expert advice, and perform in-depth research when they decide to invest, depending on sectoral analysis.


    Investing in the Indian Stock Market necessitates sectoral analysis since it offers a deeper understanding of each sector. As per certain reports on Indian Stock Market Prediction 2023, the Indian stock market’s anticipated growth rate seems positive and reached 8% from 7.5%. It aligns perfectly with investment choices, manages risks, and identifies emerging trends and the wider landscape of the economy. Through strategic plans and tools, investors can carefully invest in the Indian Stock Market, providing them with long-term stable returns.

    NIWS - one of the best Stock Market institutes in India to learn.

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  • The Rise Of Digital Trading Platforms In India: Benefits And Risks

    NIWS 5 Aug 2023

    The modern era of trading and investment has ushered in India due to emerging and evolving digital trading networks and platforms. As per industry analysis, the market size of digital trading platforms is expected to surpass 15.34 billion USD by 2020. The widely spread internet accessibility and availability with quick technological advancement have made digital trading platforms popular among traders and investors.

    People are offered accessible and convenient avenues through these networks, which assist them in participating in many financial markets, including the forex market, commodities market, stock market, etc., through mobile and web applications. However, it is crucial to understand the benefits and risks involved when dealing with digital trading platforms.

    Significance Of Digital Trading Platforms

    The participation of traders and investors in financial markets has revolutionized due to rising digital trading platforms. The platforms offer information availability and enhanced transparency to give investors access to the firm’s information, research reports, and real-time data on the market. Investors can make a wise choice in deciding their investment strategies.

    It also assists them in levelling the playing field among institutional and retail investors and gives them the resources and tools for their effective competitive approach in the industry. The benefits offered by such networks include individual investors’ empowerment, diversified investment options, lower costs, accessibility, etc. Besides, certain risks of dealing with the networks must be addressed to trade effectively through digital trading platforms.

    Benefits Of Digital Trading Platforms

    • Increased Availability

    Financial markets are increasingly available through digital trading platforms since access is democratized. All geographical barriers are removed to let investors perform trading activities from every region. The easy availability of traditional trading networks’ locations near major financial market centres' limitations is eliminated. Anyone with internet access from any region or location can invest and trade.

    • Flexibility And Convenience

    Unparalleled flexibility and convenience are provided to investors and traders through digital trading platforms. Market movements can be monitored, and trading accounts can be accessed 24/7 to let investors trade or invest whenever and wherever they want. Besides, investors have easy accessibility to these platforms through mobile applications, laptops, or desktop computers. It helps them trade or invest even when they are travelling.

    • Low Fees And Costs

    Investment and trading cost is significantly reduced on digital trading platforms. Traditionally, retail investors faced challenges in participating in the trading industry due to brokerage firms' high commissions and fees. However, digital trading platforms offer low trading costs and fees, making trading execution much easier for investors and traders. Many platforms even offer 0% trading commission to make trading and investing affordable for investors.

    • Diverse Investment Options

    Digital trading platforms provide a wide range of asset classes and investment opportunities accessibility. It assists investors in trading derivatives, international markets, cryptocurrencies, commodities, bonds, and stocks. Such diverse investment opportunities let investors explore several avenues and maintain versatile portfolios for prospective returns.

    Risks Of Digital Trading Platforms

    • Investment Risks And Market Volatility

    Investment or trade in the financial market through digital trading platforms also has certain risks, as with other approaches. Investment performance can be impacted due to economic uncertainties, and asset costs fluctuations and market volatility. Investors must know about the potential losses and risks involved.

    • Lack Of Knowledge And Education

    Investment and trading participation are made easier through digital trading platforms. But, it becomes challenging for inexperienced investors to understand and learn about the trading industry. It makes them suffer financial losses since they are more likely to make the right investment choices since their knowledge of risk management, market dynamics, and investment strategies is insufficient.

    • Technological Overreliance

    Internet connectivity and technology is the most crucial requirement for digital trading platforms. Even though these platforms are additionally efficient due to technological advancements, they inherit certain risks. Outages, system failures, or technical glitches don’t let investors trade at the required prices and disturb their trading and investment activities.

    • Regulatory Botheration

    Digital trading platforms operate within regulatory settings, and their compliance is crucial. It ensures market integrity and investor protection. Investors and trading operators find it challenging to navigate complex requirements imposed by regulatory frameworks and remain updated with changing regulations and rules. The accessibility and functioning of digital trading platforms can be impacted due to regulation changes or non-compliance with regulatory frameworks.


    As per the online trading platform market size of digital trading platforms, the industry is anticipated at a CAGR OF 6.4 per cent. Trading and investment have been significantly transformed due to evolving digital trading platforms. These platforms have provided new opportunities for investors and traders in India through easily accessible and convenient systems.

    Investors can navigate the trading industry from anywhere and benefit from their investments and trades through awareness and the right approach.

    However, investors and traders must learn the risks of digital trading platforms and take the necessary steps to overcome them successfully. Due diligence and performing in-depth analysis and research will help them mitigate inherent risks.

    Connect with the stock market experts at NIWS - one of the best Stock Market Institute In Jaipur Delhi, and Indore offering the best Stock Market Courses In India, to learn about trading strategies and other details for profitable trades and a lucrative trading journey.

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  • The Impact of Politics and Policy Changes on the Indian Stock Market

    NIWS 31 Jul 2023

    #1 Impact of Policits on the Indian Stock Market

    On May 17 2004, the stock market was in an uproar. When India's GDP growth was rolling at 8%, micro-and-macro economic factors were substantial; corporate balance sheets were robust with encouraging prospects for the following quarters; NSE Nifty and BSE Sensex fell by around 17% because of election results. 

    There was a possibility that UPA would form the government with Communist party support. However, the economy's fundamentals were stable. Still, negative sentiments resulted in the losses of trillions of rupees in just two sessions on the same day, and this sensitivity shock took months to recover. 

    #2 Impact of Policits on the Indian Stock Market

    One of the members of NITI Aayog- the government's think tank, made a public statement regarding the change in policies in the automobile sector. However, government policy was still under formulation, and this was just an assumption, resulting in the wiping out of 5% market capital of auto manufacturers.

    Since this change was over and above the impact of motor vehicles' domestic demand contraction, Nitin Gadkari (Road and Transport Highway Minister) and Nirmala Sitharaman (Finance and Corporate Affairs Minister) had to state to control the damage urgently. 

    #3 Impact of Policits on the Indian Stock Market

    The pandemic began its widespread rampage in the early 2020s, and the government took precautionary measures like social distancing and lockdown. These mere measures prompted the S&P index to witness a 35% drop in March 2020. 

    This drop was significant compared to the 2008 financial crisis caused by financial deregulation. 

    Stock market fluctuating prices make equity investments risky, and risk-averse investors are advised to stay away from the share market. One cannot produce the future performance of the Indian stock market due to dynamic factors and policies. 

    Some factors that affect Indian Stock Market are - 


    RBI Monetary Policies 

    The Reserve Bank of India regulates the monetary policy in India and keeps reviewing it. Any changes in the Reverse Repo Rates or Repo Rates impact the stock prices. If RBI raises these rates, banks' liquidity reduces, making borrowing costlier and increasing the lending rates. With the costly borrowing rates, business communities find it difficult to service their debt obligations and start selling company shares, reducing stock prices. 

    Vice Versa happens when RBI follows a dovish monetary policy. Reduced lending rates increase credit expansion, considered a positive step, and the stock market begins to recover. 

    SEBI Regulatory Policies

    The Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) constantly monitors trading and investment policies. It keeps changing them, impacting the overall performance of NSE and BSE-listed shares. 

    Interest Rate and Inflation 

    When interest rates rises, the bank increases the lending rates, which increases costs for individuals and corporations, impacting the profit levels and affecting the shares of a company. 

    Inflation is when there is a sudden positive movement in the pricing of services and goods over a period of time. High inflation discourages long-term economic growth and investment. During high inflation, Indian Stock Market postpone their investment, which leads to - 

    • Negative economic growth, 

    • Fall in savings value, 

    • Affects the stocks of luxurious companies. 

    Therefore, this not only impacts the purchasing power but also affects the investing power of companies and individuals. 


    Factors including budget, elections, stability, government intervention, and others may also significantly impact financial markets and the economy. Budget or political event announcements may create volatility levels in the market, affecting Indian Stock Market deeply. 


    The sentiments of ordinary citizens may differ from investors' sentiments. People draw some expectations from the following political party and cite accordingly. Thereby, final result announcements may elicit a response from investors. 

    Short-term investors, like day traders, speculate on the coming or scheduled political events and invest within a week or a month. Long-term investors, on the other hand, do not influence their investment decisions based on daily events, take note of the policy decisions by the new government, and accordingly review their portfolios. 

    Indian Stock Market's Response to General Election Results

    2004 General Elections 

    During the 2004 general elections, NDA Government, led by Atal Bihari Vajpayee, lost to the UPA, contrary to expectations. Election results were announced on May 13 2004. Sensex report for the next few days was - 

    • Closed at 5,399 points on May 13 2004. 

    • Fell 6% on May 14, 2004, and closed at 5,069.

    • On May 17 2004, recorded the third-worst fall, 565 points, and closed at 4,505. 

    All these figures reflect a thumbs down to the UPA government on December 27, 2004. Dr Manmohan Singh was elected the Prime Minister, and Sensex touched back 6,513. 

    2019 General Elections 

    Narendra Modi was expected to win, and the market was positively geared up for a second term. Sensex opened at around 39,815 points, and the market shot up by 1000 points, touching 40,000 for the first time in history, pointing to Narendra Modi-led NDA Victory. 

    However, apart from the strong positive sentiment amongst the investors, the profit booking drove down Indian Stock Market by 1300 points. Moreover, events including the Abrogation of Article 370, URI Surgical Strike and Demonetisation have also closely impacted the markets that follow policy and political announcements. 

    Final Note 

    The Indian Stock market Institute In Jaipur is highly volatile, and it is no surprise that political factors can significantly impact its performance. Changes in government policy, such as tax reforms, changes in interest rates, or new regulations, can all substantially affect the stock market.

    If you are an investor, it is essential to be aware of the potential impact of politics on the stock market. You can make more informed investment decisions by understanding the political landscape and the potential impact of policy changes.

    To learn more about how politics and policies impact the Indian Stock Market, connect with experts in Jaipur and Delhi at NIWS (National Institute of Wall Street) - one of the best Technical Analysis course In Jaipur and Delhi, offering the best stock market course in delhi. NIWS is a leading provider of financial education and training, and they offer a variety of courses on the stock market and investment.

    With NIWS's help, you can learn how to identify political risks and how to mitigate those risks in your investment portfolio. You can also learn to make informed investment decisions based on risk tolerance and goals.

    To learn more about NIWS and the best Stock Market Courses in Jaipur and Jaipur, connect with the experts at 9261623456, or drop a mail with all your queries at to explore.

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